Aesthetic Center Greenville

Breast enlargement without implants: fat grafts / liposelection

Oct 8, 2009 @ 11:52 AM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Liposelection Breast Augmentation Buttock Augmentation Autologous Fat Transfer Facial Rejuvenation

Dr. Sutton Graham continues the best demonstrated techniques for breast enlargement (breast implant augmentation), and regularly updates his knowledge of proposed new techniques. Several recent media reports reference using fat grafts (fat transfer or liposelection) to enhance one's body contour (buttocks, breasts, cheeks, etc.). It is even showing up on Facebook. CBS News:;contentBody
Web MD:

Fat grafting is not a new idea, and plastic surgeons have used it for decades. The techniques have improved; harvesting and preparing patient's own fat for injection elsewhere in their body. The fat cell material attaches to blood vessels in the recipient area, and becomes a living part of your body, similar to a skin graft healing in place of a skin burn wound. Current techniques mean that a higher proportion of the transferred fat continues living in the new location. Most surgeons plan some degree of over treatment, because they expect more than one-third of the fat will be re-absorbed. Staged treatments are sometimes planned.

In our practice, fat transfer is most common for loss of attractive facial fullness (lips and cheeks), restoring a soft natural fullness. We also use it for buttock enhancement, usually in conjunction with liposuction of excess fat from the surrounding areas. It can be used to correct irregularities from prior injury or trauma (indentation in your normal fat). Dr. Graham is interested in the results of current studies that confirm the safety and effectiveness of fat graft augmentation of the breast. The controversial nature of breast fat transfer is highlighted in some of the article links above.

Saline implant breast augmentation remains a safe, proved method for breast enhancement. For more information call us (864-676-1707) or look at the augmentation of our website: