Aesthetic Center Greenville

Dermaplaning: New Skin Care Technique Available

Oct 31, 2013 @ 02:22 PM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Dermaplaning Microdermabrasion Skin Care

From Lyn Smeak, RN (Injectables & Skin)---Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation used to clear dry, dead, superfluous skin.  in the process vellous facial hair )"peach fuzz") is also removed.  Effective and safe, it helps with penetration of pharmaceuticals and skin care products.  Dermaplaning will leave your skin with an immediate glow.  It can be done alone or with additional skin care treatments.  Used by physicians and skin care professionals since 1985.  I you would like more information, or to schedule a treatment, call us 864-676-1707.