Aesthetic Center Greenville

Spider Veins, Brown Spots Lighten With Laser & Intense Pulsed Light

Jan 17, 2018 @ 04:31 PM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Spider Veins Brown Spots Blood Vessels Laser Intense Pulsed Light

Winter is an excellent time to consider having your facial, neck, leg and arm spots treated.  Our Nurse Practitioner uses our Sciton laser and Broad Banad Light devices to quickly and effectively treat such problems.  Our equipment includes both true laser technology and various wavelength settings of intense pulsed light (non-laser light).  This allows us to properly treat a variety of skin problems.

Sun spots, blotchy pigment, sun damage, aging skin changes can each be lightened and / or smoothed by careful application of BBL energy.  Treatment is brief and uses a cooling gel and possibly a numbing gel (topical anesthesia).  Patients (and staff) need eye protection from the extremely bright light, which has the ability to pass through healthy skin layers and concentrate energy in areas of abnormal pigment.  This causes the pigment to either be extruded from the skin surface or absorbed and metabolized away.  Most spots visibly lighten with a single treatment, although a series of treatments is often recommended.  The wavelength filters can be changed and BBL also used to improve skin texture or vascular changes at the same visit.  

Telangectasias (tiny dilated blood vessles), spider veins, vascular blush, reddened spots are all conditions that improve with single or multiple treatments.  Your facial skin can look much more uniform in color.  Signs of past years sun damage can be minimized.  The intense energy concentrates in the abnormal blood vessels.