Aesthetic Center Greenville

Bags Under the Eyes, Double Chin

Nov 7, 2021 @ 02:00 PM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Eyelid Bags Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty Chin Submental Liposuction


These are before and after photos, the before is first and the second one is the after  view.  This 30 year old woman sought improvement in the under-chin area.  She wanted the double chin to go away.  She also wanted the lower eyelid bags to improve.  She did not need a facelift or necklift because her other features were favorable.  Dr. Graham performed an examination and discussed her options with her.  He suggested she could have both the areas treated with liposucution under the chin (submental lipectomy) and lower belpharoplasty without a skin incision (transconjunctival blepharoplasty).  These were both performed under anesthesia with a simple recovery and brief limitation of normal activities.  She had no activity restrictions after 3 weeks, resuming most activities in one week.  Older patients with more loose skin and lax deeper tissues would need more thorough treatments, but she was able to have nice limited treatments.  And nice results.