Aesthetic Center Greenville

Best Group of Co-Workers: Frequent Compliments for All Out Team

Dec 6, 2021 @ 07:26 AM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Enjoyable Pleasant Experienced Office Workers Administrative Clinical Comprehensive Care

Dr. Graham wants to brag on all of his co-workers.  We have an unusually fine group here.  We frequently have patients compliment our other staff members when they are in for their post-op visits.

“When patients come in for long term follow up, Dr. Graham wants to talk about their life changes since their breast reduction and tummy tuck. They want to know where the remarkably sweet and funny nurse is who they met in our OR or Recovery.

“When they recover from their liposuction and we want to hear about dropping two pant sizes. Oh the other hand, they want to say “hi” to the young lady who initially discussed their interest in Coolsculpting, only to be told the patient would be happier with liposuction. (It helps that we offer all methods of treatment to give our patients the best.)

“Or finally, Dr. Graham may be discussing how his friends wonder why he looks so refreshed. They don’t know he had a eyelid lift and a neck lift. But he wants to tell us how happy he is with our talented nurse injector, making the frown fade so naturally.

Dr. Graham is thrilled to have so many enthusiastic, experienced team members to compliment our procedures.