Aesthetic Center Greenville

"What is the best way to lose weight?"

Feb 28, 2009 @ 03:44 PM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Body Contouring Dieting Weight Loss Exercise Plastic Surgery

We are often asked, "what is the best way to lose weight?" Our simple answer is to choose some really significant changes that you can stick with forever.

Really, we have learned the most from our successful patients. We ask them what worked for them. The most common answer is that they made a decision to watch what they eat through counting calories, portion control or joining a organization such as Weight Watchers. The second most common answer is that they changed from an average, sedentary life-style to scheduled, daily activity (such as 30 minutes walking rain-or-shine). Often they are doing both. In the beginning they had to work to stick with their goals. Later, it became second nature. Thanks to our patients for their insight!

A recent study in the respected New England Journal of Medicine shed some light on an on-going controversy. High protein? Low carb? Low fat? In a 2 year study, closely matched groups obtained the same weight loss results. All that mattered was total calorie intake. So you can chose which ever method you are comfortable with so long as you reduce calories. Have fun!