Aesthetic Center Greenville

Facelift Under Only Local Anesthesia

Mar 22, 2019 @ 03:32 PM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Facelift Local Anesthesia Awake Short Scar Lift

"I didn't know I could have my facelift under local anesthesia," is a common response we get when discussing options with patients.  During your consultation, Dr. Graham will give you plenty of general information about facial cosmetic surgery as well as specific information about your best options.  When patients present with loose cheeks and jowls, but not loose neck skin or bands under the chin, he or she can consider awake / local anesthesia for their procedure.  This is referred to as a short-scar facelift, cheek-lift or limited facelift.  The standard facelift is more thorough and includes the cheeks, jowls, and neck.  That procedure we do under general anesthesia.  Both are designed for minimal discomfort and limited down-time.  There is more information on our Facelift web page.  Follow this link: